Heilyn Servat Was Gifted a 10 Dollar Starbucks Gift Card for Her Success At Work. She Decided Her Talents Were Worth More and Decided to Start Her Own Business.

Heilyn Servat Was Gifted a 10 Dollar Starbucks Gift Card for Her Success At Work. She Decided Her Talents Were Worth More and Decided to Start Her Own Business.

Family can change a lot of decisions we make in life. They can be both the inspiration and deciding factor when making important life choices. For Heilyn Servat, the arrival of her second daughter and dissatisfaction with work made her choose to forge her own path. “I decided to start my business in january 2018…

Life’s Obstacles Have Never Slowed Down Christian Cosme Who is Making Waves in More Than Three Different Career Paths. Find Out More Below.

Life’s Obstacles Have Never Slowed Down Christian Cosme Who is Making Waves in More Than Three Different Career Paths. Find Out More Below.

Throughout all of the personal hardships in his life, Christian Cosme has been able to make marvelous things happen. An above the elbow amputee, he has never let this slow him down one bit and never allowed it to create pity in his life. Instead, he has focused on making big things happen. “I Founded…

Actress, Writer and Producer Uldouz Wallace Leads Protect America’s Daughters and Foundation Ra, an NGO Supporting Women and Children Victims of Hacking/Leaking: Find Out More

Actress, Writer and Producer Uldouz Wallace Leads Protect America’s Daughters and Foundation Ra, an NGO Supporting Women and Children Victims of Hacking/Leaking: Find Out More

The issue of privacy is a very delicate topic. Ever since the emergence of the internet, privacy has become vulnerable to violations by unscrupulous people called hackers. These people often do not care about the lives of others as long as they get what they want, even at the cost of sinking the reputation and…

Denisse Zuñiga Creates Entertaining and Motivational Content For Millions of Followers on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube

Denisse Zuñiga Creates Entertaining and Motivational Content For Millions of Followers on TikTok, Instagram and YouTube

The internet is a world where many things are possible not only digitally but also in real life. The internet is an industry that creates thousands of jobs through apps that allow people to develop their talents. Denisse Zúñiga started in social media in 2019 working for a globally recognized company named Badabun. Denisse focused…