We all want to be successful, achieve our goals, fulfill our purpose in life and be the best we can be. But many times we encounter situations that make us think we are not capable or make us doubt our abilities or skills, which can lead to anxiety or depression and business failure.
Fortunately, there are people like Adrian Z Wesley who manage to overcome these situations and then use the lessons learned from the adversity and challenges that they overcame to show others how to do the same.
Adrian Z Wesley is a successful Clinical Hypnotherapist and Motivational Educator based in Thailand who runs an entrepreneur coaching program. He has spent over 2,500 hours in individual sessions doing hypnotherapy and coaching with online entrepreneurs.
Before this, Adrian went through a process that took him from having major insecurities, self limiting beliefs, states of anxiety and business failure, to a life where he has managed to break free from everything that was holding him back. He has created entrepreneurial success for himself and now coaches others to break free as well.
“I spent most of my adult life insecure, with erroneous beliefs, in codependent relationships, financial struggles and dealing with the anxiety and depression symptoms of PTSD. Many times I tried to be an entrepreneur but failed, as I didn’t know how to handle stress and pressure. I had faulty beliefs that I was not good enough to create success and was not worthy/deserving of having abundance in my life. When I was 42, I finally pursued my true passion, which is helping people. It was the first time I didn’t make a job or business move based on how much money I could make. We did extensive hypnotherapy in school and I was able to change a lot of the self limiting beliefs about myself and build confidence and belief in myself. I freed myself from everything that was holding me back.” Adrian shares.
After going bankrupt in 2008 and losing everything he had, Adrian decided to spend the rest of his life doing something to improve the world. He realized that the only way to truly create change was to facilitate the awakening of other people’s personal power by showing them how to love themselves and how to let go of everything that no longer served them.

“I came home to myself and discovered how to heal, love, and believe in myself, feel confident, and create financial abundance. This motivated me to show others how to do this for themselves.” Adrian says.
Today, Adrian runs a mindset enhancement club called Power On Audio Club. POAC facilitates the awakening of “the abundant entrepreneur mindset” by providing members with daily audios to motivate them and help them change their mindset.
“Club members also have access to a dashboard containing sleep hypnosis audios and mindset meditation reprogramming audios. We have had huge success in our first year and have members from all over the world.” Adrian explains.
Adrian believes that people have the power to create what they think, feel and believe in. This is why mindset is the most important part of human existence in his opinion. Through his services, he teaches this to his clients.
“The quality of your life is always going to be based on the conversations you have with yourself. We create what we think and focus on. When you become an entrepreneur you don’t have your boss telling you what to do. You need to have the right mindset to really take action with your business and to be successful in the action you take, you need to focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.” Adrian states.
In addition, when asked what he would tell people who are starting their own businesses, Adrian said it is important for them to know that they need to commit to learning how to truly love themselves.
“First, you need to identify what thoughts, habits and behaviours are no longer serving you and holding you back from creating success in your life. To then put in the work to change how you think, what you believe and how you act. Second, do not get advice from people that do not have what you want. Third, know that it is not always going to be easy. If it was easy everyone would do it. Fourth, do not give up. You have to be persistent, determined and committed to make your dreams come true. Lastly, working for someone else does not provide job security like it once did. In my opinion, to truly provide safety for yourself you need to create multiple income streams. Use this as fuel to keep pushing past the pain and struggles if entrepreneurship gets challenging. If you know that becoming an entrepreneur is the only way to go you will keep going.” Adrian advises.
For 2021, Adrian’s plans include continuing to grow the Power On Audio Club around the world. He will also continue to work on himself to let go of everything that no longer serves him and keeps him from becoming the best version of himself. He will also write a book for entrepreneurs, become a certified freediver, build a pool villa in Thailand, and continue learning how to speak Thai and sing.
Find out more about Adrian and his talents here.