Inkluziva Will Start Changing the World on September 14th! The New Economic System with Decentralized Finance Will Reward Students & Teachers for their Performance

Inkluziva Will Start Changing the World on September 14th! The New Economic System with Decentralized Finance Will Reward Students & Teachers for their Performance

The new Inkluziva Foundation’s Economic System with Decentralized Finance will change the world this month! The platform will be launched on September 14th to start revolutionizing the world through education! You can follow their social media channels to stay up-to-date about the event as the date gets nearer. Inkluziva Foundation is an Education Ecosystem Supported…

Sheka Johnson’s High Status Consulting Firm Provides Mentoring & Coaching Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

Sheka Johnson’s High Status Consulting Firm Provides Mentoring & Coaching Opportunities for Entrepreneurs

“As it gets harder and harder for small businesses, and entrepreneurs, to be as sound as they can be and run as efficiently as possible. Efficiency provides sustainability which will ultimately lead to you accomplishing your goals and dreams”, states Sheka Johson the owner and founder of High Status Consulting. High Status Consulting helps entrepreneurs…