Matt Creator Of The EXTREM MONEY Training Is The First Suburban Guadeloupean To Becoming Trader Trainer Entrepreneur With A Touch Of Hip Hop

Matt Creator Of The EXTREM MONEY Training Is The First Suburban Guadeloupean To Becoming Trader Trainer Entrepreneur With A Touch Of Hip Hop

 Matt Creator Of The EXTREM MONEY Training born and grew up in Seine Saint-Denis the suburbs of Paris, France, and as many as people grew up in a single-parent home but with a happy childhood. From the age of 14, he became immersed in the Caribbean music and Salsa Hip Hop. He spent most of his childhood and adolescence between Gagny and Aulnay Sous Bois, and during that time, he met all types of personalities within small business and high school and made his first steps in sales with his Cousin on the market.

Matt realized very quickly that it was through studies that he would prevail, obtained a master’s degree in Computer Engineering and while doing many odd jobs, ended up becoming a Microsoft Engineer.

At the age of 30, he decided that it’s time to buy his own place and become the owner of a nice 120 m2 duplex in the South of Paris, knowing that he has to do some investment on it, due that the elevator needed to be redone, he didn’t mind because the apartment alone represented 39% of the building living space bigger and an increase in payment by 7000 extra charges. During that year, he lived only to pay bills and faced many challenges between Metro/Work/Sleep/Taxes and concluded that THIS LIFE WAS NOT FOR HIM!

Despite the adversity, he needed to bill back his life and motivation and started to take interest in real estate and decided to multiply his training and seminars on the subject and the enrichment lever of knowledge of it, but in 2015 the Company he works for went into bankrupt, and an economic laid off came for many people being permanent terminated of work contract, for me it was the turning point of my life, he said.

‘Despite all the obstacles on my way, one month after being laid off and being down, I said to myself, I DO NOT WANT TO WORK FOR ANYONE MORE…!’ Matt indicated

Knowing that he have the credit of the house to pay and with a strong mindset, he has to find an option and a quickly solution to go back in the business market and focusing in end goal, he multiply research, test, meetings, and set up a small network that opens the doors of the Stock Market, especially of what will later be his favorite playground FOREX.

During 8 months, Matt trade forex in demo with success and failures and with a strong mindset, he trade day and night; he trains every day on all currencies in order to find the one that suits him best, but also to develop his own strategies, to refine a technique and aim to have at least 90% of success before he could start trading in real mode and start to earn his life as an entrepreneur.

After a long battle, he started to post his trading results on the network, and people started to ask to train them in trading. In the beginning, he was a bit reluctant, because he was only in real mode, but few months passed, and as part of his activities, he started to follow the politic and economic news around the world and especially in France, which allowed him to realize the social and political inequalities and to take into consideration people request for training and decided to share all his learned knowledge with as many people as possible.

His major goal became to allow anyone to be able to earn a legal salary of a dealer. He decided to be an informant trainer, because the enthusiasm and involvement of all students’ mutual aid from 19 to 68 years old allowed him to create an army of trader and the <FOREX GANG> IS BORN.

‘’The success and the greatest reward of FOREX GANG has become a huge family compose of people whose only ambition is to live with dignity.” Matt said.

The Young people who have always been told that they would be the least of all things, former homeless people, father and Mother who can support their family through trading and even retired people who no longer make ends meet send him regular messages to say thank you!

Matt Forexgang, indicated that regarding the fact of being a trader and have a private jet rental company, his primary motivation to start his own business was to be financially free, to no longer depend on a third party to earn his money, to tell him when he have the right to go on vacation or to warm when he is sick as if he have to call his parents to inform them. He needed to fulfill himself in order to protect his family and manage his life as he wanted.

‘I was able to launch my training, because of the people on the network who pushed me to do it and the politics,’ Matt said.

My biggest challenge was to become profitable trader with the capacity to support myself in less than a year. The world of the stock market and particularly the money market has always inspired and interested me.

Matt highlighted that mindset is the will that you need to have and the awareness of your goal to be able to achieve them. In life there will always be detractors, people who will tell you that it’s not possible that it only happens to other people, but never forget that this is your life and it will be the consequences of your choices. At the beginning it’s scary because you don’t know where to start but eventually things will become clearer, you will meet the right people and move forward to succeed.

Success is to be able to live my life as I want, to be able to protect my family from needand to be able to help others to reach to the same dream as me and my greatest achievements is being a trader and trainer is the my major pride because I made myself, being is a kid’s dream. ‘I play with life-size airplanes now.’ Matt outlines.

We are currently redoing the application. Moreover my training is only in French, I would like to diversify it to reach other communities around the world. Matt said

‘The biggest obstacles in my career have been the jealousy and the heaters, but I have learned to take a step back and laugh about it, because I don’t care about them!’ Matt states.

‘Financial freedom means doing what I want where I want. I am blessed to be able to work no matter where I am in the world. All I need is an Internet connection and I can work.’ Mat explained.

If I have to define myself in a few words it would be: Mathieu, Hip Hop, Trader, Private Jet and Jerk Chicken Lover!

For more information on this serial entrepreneur, click here.