Rudolph “Rudy” Pean is an entrepreneur in the world of helping people restore their bad credit. He is helping people learn that more than just prohibiting people from buying a house and borrowing money, bad credit can actually harm many more aspects of your life including your job prospects.
“I own and operate RCJ MULTISERVICES, LLC dba RCJ TAX & CREDIT REPAIR SERVICES. I run a tax and credit repair business. Many people may think bad credit will only hinder them from accessing loans and getting credit cards. Most don’t know that some employers just credit and a poor score can keep you from getting hired, bad credit can make you jobless. I train people on how credit works and help them achieve financial freedom. I found an opportunity in this business because not many people know how to plan their expenditure. I help my clients repair their credit and get more competitive interest rates. Homeownership has been the American Dream, and bad credit keeps people from realizing that dream. Therefore, my business is vital as it helps people repair their credit and enjoy all these benefits,” Rudy states.
Rudy was inspired to join this industry by two main influences in his life: his parents and his desire to help people in life. He saw his parents work day in and day out to just make ends meeting. He wanted to change his life and his family’s life by working hard and making a difference.
“I was brought up in a family that sometimes we didn’t have enough or like any business there are financial highs and lows. Like most, to go to college, I took out student loans, and once I graduated, I had a considerable debt, and at the same time, employment was scarce. I was then introduced to taxes and it was a perfect fit from day one. With hard work and determination, I applied myself to learning all about taxes both personal and business taxes; soon after credit repair. With tons of ups and downs, I am blessed to be in the position I am in and thankful to all of our clients that support us. I also learned stories of successful businesses that started from rags to riches and got inspired because I could make it if they made it,” Rudy explains.
The second aspect of Rudy’s passion is driven by his desire to help. He knows how much his advice can change people’s lives who need better credit to get a home or any number of other things.
“I like helping people achieve their dreams and live successful or happier lives. I felt terrible seeing my tax clients complain about their credit score and had no idea what to do. Our firm simply started educating our tax clients on the importance of credit and soon after the referrals came. I realized many individuals, even the learned ones, have challenges repairing their credit and was motivated to help them as my business grew also. I put my business structure and handled all the legality aspects, set my team and operating environment, and I was good to go,” Rudy says.
Pushing forward with his dreams and wanting to help others, Rudy is working hard in the new year to help more people, specifically small businesses. He is hoping to not only help people out of a hole, but also teach them to save money and have better financial practices.
“My next project is to start a funding business and offer small businesses that get rejected from large banks capital to work with to grow or start their business. We will also offer personal loans and any other type of capital someone would need. I want to serve many clients and impact their lives positively. I want to train people on how to save and invest their money in places that matter. Once my business stabilizes, I want to have a considerable positive impact on society. There are many people with immense potential, but they are struggling out there due to a lack of resources to support their dream. In the next few years to come, I want to make sure I have supported challenged children in my society to get a quality education because they are the future of this nation,” Rudy comments.
To find out more about Rudy, you can follow him on instagram here and check out his website here.