Many people are aware of how cutthroat the world of business can be. People often climb the ladder of success by stepping on and over others in business, which leads to a culture that is often a thrive or die kind of setting. However, even for people who have been in the corporate game for years, they can reach a point where they are no longer recognized for their input and are shoved out.
This is what occurred to Heinz Kaegi. Heinz had been working for many years in the business world, when suddenly he found out his company was trying to get rid of him and was no longer interested in accepting his ideas.
“After having accumulated a substantial variety of essential experiences in my management career from scratch to top, I was headhunted again. During my time in a top function on the executive board of a national consumer goods production and distribution company in a turnaround situation, I reorganized the sales and marketing division and aligned it to match the strategic changes for a successful future. In the midst of producing promising progress, it was for the first time in my career when I faced a stumbling stone of a seemingly insurmountable class. The Chairman increasingly disagreed, and later disapproved of my strategic approach,” Heinz states.
However, Heinz knew he had a talent for people and business, so instead of worrying about trying to get another corporate job, Heinz focused on using his skills to create his own business. Heinz created numerous classes and programs for future leaders, business executives and corporate leaders. Combining his years of multi-cultural experience with the talents of a group of coaches and mentors, he has helped many thousands of people around the world create and foster their leadership attitude thus skills.
“I am familiar with all relevant top executive themes and challenges, from my own experience from over a decade in C-level responsibilities. I have designed and conducted more than 1000 groundbreaking visionary processes of an own caliber for top executives and management teams. “LEX Leadershift Excellence™ for Life” is an exclusive development concept founded on his seven laws to move leaders from hard work to heart work®. It is designed for leaders who thrive to become who they are and to leave a legacy that creates a future for their children as the next generation leaders,” Heinz details.
In addition to taking his courses and learning how to unlock your leadership potential, Heinz has a few words of advice for those who are interested in running their own businesses and becoming a part of the corporate world. The biggest one is that fear is a negative emotion that can only hold you back.
“Fear is a negative emotion that limits us in many aspects of our prosperity in Life. There are some exceptions to this, of course – just imagine a shark following you on your exciting surfing the waves. Now your fear propels you beyond anything you would believe possible under normal circumstances. The fear that is discussed here usually has one of five patterns underneath: Fear of the next step, fear of closeness, fear of exposure and rejection, fear of loss, and even fear of success. This latter one is linked to the fear of rejection, in the sense that you might think “if I grow beyond they may put me down or reject me in some form”, or even “I fear to no longer belong once I will have raised above” so I better conform and comply with their perceptions and values”.
Fear is the expression of Life’s positive intention to have you grow in awareness and capability,” Heinz advises.
Though Heinz cannot be too specific about his upcoming projects and big plans that he has for the rest of this year, you can bet that they will be life changing to all that participate. To find out more about Heinz, you can follow him on instagram here, check out his website here, and check out his podcast here.