Powerball jackpot jumped to $800 million

Powerball jackpot jumped to $800 million

The Powerball jackpot soared to a whopping $800 million after Wednesday night’s drawing turned up no grand prize winner, the lottery agency said. The jackpot in Wednesday’s drawing was $700 million and the winning numbers were 19, 36, 37, 46, 56 with a Powerball of 24. The $800 million prize is the second largest Powerball…

Progressive Democrats withdraw letter asking Biden for a change in political strategy in Ukraine

Progressive Democrats withdraw letter asking Biden for a change in political strategy in Ukraine

US MP Pramila Jayapal withdrew a controversial letter she posted about Ukraine diplomacy after backlash from members of her Congressional Progressive Caucus, who said it was drafted months ago but sent this week without her knowledge. “The letter was written several months ago, but unfortunately it was published by her staff without being examined. As…